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What We Can Expect to See for the Next Decade in the Automotive Industry

Jan 1, 2020

Every decade or so, we can expect to see major changes in the automotive industry. For instance, in 1970, airbags became a staple in every vehicle, and in 1950, the first cars were equipped with cruise control. What can we expect to see in the upcoming decade? We don’t like to predict the future, but some things are already in the works…

Things are going to change for insurance companies, thanks to autonomous vehicles! Safety rates are going to increase, and insurance isn’t going to be eliminated due to autonomous vehicles’ “perfect” safety records, but the industry will undergo big changes and most likely, decline.

65% of US roads are in poor condition, which makes it challenging for cars with autopilot features to properly work. Hopefully, with the automotive innovations in autopilot features and autonomous vehicles, road and bridge infrastructure conditions will improve.

We can expect to be driving and owning different vehicles in ten years. By 2030, it is predicted that 25% of us will own autonomous cars. Consumers will be able to purchase these autonomous vehicles in the upcoming cars.

Already our vehicles are like computers on wheels, but in the next decade, our vehicles will be like “mobile command centers.” Our vehicles’ operating systems and hardware can be updated, so older vehicles can be as safe as new cars on the road.


The team at Yorba Linda Auto Service embraces change and continues to stay on the cutting edge of the automotive industry. Whether you drive an older or new vehicle, we can help keep your vehicle on the road. Yorba Linda Auto Service is located at 801 S Lakeview Avenue, Unit G, Placentia, CA 92870. Schedule an appointment for service or call us if you have questions about your vehicle.