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When Your Kids Are Away In College, How Should You Choose a Repair Facility?

Feb 1, 2019

When your kids are away in college and their car needs service or has a breakdown, what should you do? As parents of college-age kids, we can tell you it’s no fun being in that situation — for the college kid, nor the parent. But there are a few things you can do to choose the right auto mechanic and not get taken advantage of when your child is miles away from home.

Prepare ahead of time

If you and your college students put a lot of thought into what college they would attend, you probably had a chance to tour the campus, look for an apartment, and scope out the grocery stores, and the nearest hospital. While you’re in town, scoping out the local layout, why not ask the university faculty and locals where they take their vehicles for service? Or, do a quick Google Maps search to find out which auto repair shops are located nearby. Bonus points if you can find an auto repair shop that specializes in servicing your brand of vehicle.

Check reviews

You can check reviews for auto repair shops where your child is by searching Yelp, Google, Facebook, and more. We have found that the best reviews are found on Google, Yelp, and Facebook, in that order. Most auto mechanics with a great reputation proudly display their reviews on their website, so you may want to examine the reviews located directly on their site because there is often the highest number of reviews stored there.

Need a tow?

No one happily calls a tow truck, but if you do need one, it’s nice to know where they are and how quickly they can get to you. Most auto repair shops do not have towing services, but they outsource that function to a trusted towing company. Other auto repair shops have a contract with AAA, and they have to go through a vetting process to qualify. If you need a tow truck, you can either search for a reputable towing service on Google or ask your preferred auto repair shop who they’d recommend.

Look for industry certifications

The best auto repair shops in any area are those that invest in training. Look for auto mechanics that are ASE-Certified Technicians, or better yet, ASE-Master Technicians. They need to devote a defined number of hours toward their education to receive their certifications. When you find a shop that has ASE-Certified technicians, you know they are serious about keeping up with ever-evolving automotive technologies. Also, if the auto repair shop is AAA Approved, belongs to the ASCCA, and is a Bosch or a NAPA Auto Care Center, you can count on the shop to have a good reputation and a nationwide warranty. A nationwide warranty can save you lots of money if your college student’s vehicle breaks down miles away from home, or school, or work — and that should help reduce a parent’s stress levels.

Service the vehicle when it’s back at home

If you want to keep your stress levels low, have your children’s vehicles serviced while they are back home for Spring Break, Summer Break, or Winter Break? That way, you can make sure the vehicle is repaired by your local auto repair shop.

Fortunately for you, Yorba Linda Auto Service is a highly-respected auto repair facility that proudly services and repairs vehicles for many college students. Whether they’re originally from Placentia or are attending a large university like Cal State Fullerton, or going to a smaller campus like Hope International University or Bethesda Christian University, many parents trust that the Yorba Linda Auto Service team will take great care of their kids and their cars.

Here’s another extra special thing we do here at Yorba Linda Auto Service. Our customers will call us and if their college kids are in a different section of California or out of state, we will help them find a shop in the area that their student and their car are in. After all, we are well known in the auto repair industry, and we have a network of top auto repair shops around the country. Wouldn’t it be easier for you to place your trust in a shop that is well known for having a good reputation in the area your child is in?

The next time your child’s vehicle requires service or repair, we invite you to let our YLAS team take care of it. Yorba Linda Auto Service is located at 801 S Lakeview Avenue, Unit G, Placentia, CA 92870. Schedule an appointment for service or call us if you have questions about your vehicle. We are here to serve, and look forward to seeing you soon!